This Week At Altitude
We’re starting this week with Intervals. Keep weight moderate and move the bar fast to focus on power output during push press + row, and hang clean + bike. Part 3 is accessory shoulder work.
Strength today is bulgarian split squats and DB rows, sticking with the unilateral strength for one more week. The conditioning is two 9 minute blocks with sleds, core work and overhead carries.
Stamina today sets us up with rowing, bike erg and slideboard for our regular bout of aerobic work.
Intervals today is Rotational MB slams and Echo bike, followed by KB swings and shuttle sprints. Part 3 is lower body accessory work on hamstrings and hips.
Strength today - single leg deadlifts and landmine presses. Conditoining is gorilla row, lunge, bike in an E3MOM format.