This Week At Altitude

Final Week of Strength Cycle


We’re deadlifting today as we wrap up this cycle with heavy sets of 4. Conditioning will be some short rounds of work with row, DB snatch, and strict burpees.


We’ll have push press (sets of 4) and strict pull ups (sets of 10) as we continue to progress the upper body work. Then, right into an EMOM with Farmer carries, Single arm rows, and echo bike calories.


As usual, our stamina will focus on steady aerobic work on the ergs, with some isometrics, unilateral, and core built in to mix up the day.


Interval Weight Training today has hang power cleans + bike erg sprints, then a DB Thruster and Row segment. Our 3rd portion is low back and hip focused.


Front Squats to wrap up the week and the cycle. Go for your heavy set of 4 today. Our conditioning will be 2 different 8 min AMRAPs with some sled up first, and a lunge, KB swing, plank effort second.


Monday 1-9-23


Friday 1-6-22