This Week At Altitude


Kicking off the new strength cycle with deadlifts and box jumps for a complex strength set. Conditioning is a fun 20 min EMOM with push up/ring plank, jump lunge/bike erg, and DB hang snatch.


Another strength day, this time upper body with seated strict press into DB push press. Conditioning is farmer carry, row, and walking lunges.


Stamina will be 36 minutes of consistent conditioning work. Isometrics and core work blended together with aerobic work on the bikes and rowers.


IWT today is KB swing into echo bike, followed by landmine clean and press + bike erg. Part 3 is core accessory work.


Final strength day is Front squat and sled push for complex training, followed by a pair of 9 minute complexes for conditioning.


Building Confidence & Self Esteem In Young Athletes With Strength Training.