This Week At Altitude
Strength Cycle Week 2
Strict press and DB rows to begin this week with some upper body push and pull strength. We should be trying to build on last week’s presses. Conditioning is has jump rope, devil’s presses, farmer carries, and rowing.
Strength is front squats today, followed by a momentum building conditioning segment with some renegade rows, slideboard, and KB windmill work.
Stamina today is 36 minutes with a focus on the aerobic system - plenty of rowing, biking, and bodyweight work.
IWT this week is DB Jump Squats and shuttle sprints in part 1, and part 2 will have heavy swings and bikes. Part 3 will be accessory upper body work.
Final day this week for strength - we’ve got deadlifts sets of 8 here. Working through a couple of AMRAPs that include aussie rows, burpee box jump overs and some mixed rack carries.