This Week At Altitude
Strength + Conditioning
Back Squat to kick off this 4 week strength cycle. We’ll start with sets of 10 to work into it with a bit of volume and work our way to heavier loads. Conditioning is a DB complex with some rowing.
Strength + Conditioning
Strict Press for our upper body movement during this cycle. Simple but challenging. Two 7 min circuits with a short break in between will build this conditioning today.
34 minutes from start to finish today with minimal breaks. The focus for these workouts isn’t on how much weight you can move, its how well you can pace yourself and move in order to keep a good rhythm during the workout.
Interval Weight Training
We’ve got some shorter sprints today to change things up. Part 1 is hang power clean with row, and part 2 is push press and echo bike. Part 3 is a couple of rounds of accessory work as usual.
Strength + Conditioning
Deadlifts to end the week. This cycle has squat, push, and pull and they’re all classic strength barbell movements. Try to track what you’re doing and add a little each week. If you’re new to them, no worries - just work on getting more comfortable with the lifts as we’ll repeat them for the next 4 weeks.