This Week At Altitude
Stamina Cycle Week 2
We’ve got week 2 of the stamina emphasis starting today. 36 minutes with some running, rowing, jump rope mixed in to lighter core work.
Strength for day 2 this week is deadlifts, followed by a couple shorter segments that work off both echo bikes and C2 bikes.
Stamina number 2 this week is 38 minutes, with C2 bike, running, and slideboard work. Rotational and diagonal movements mixed in as well.
Stamina #3 is a 36 minute workout again, with echo bike, rowing, and jumpropes as our main movements and some loaded carries and single leg stuff worked in.
Interval Weight Training
We’re ending the week with an IWT session. DB hang squat cleans and row sprints, then Heavy KB swings and shuttle sprints as part 2. Final segment will be upper body accessory work.