This Week At Altitude
Strength Cycle Week 5
We’ll begin this week with our last set of deadlifts for the cycle. Sets of 5 one more time. We’ll follow up with a conditioning segment that includes swings, lunges, rowers and slideboard work.
Strength again today will include presses and bent over rows, followed with some shorter 5 min AMRAPs of rowing and DB work.
Our stamina today is a 36 minute steady effort as usual, focusing on the ergs and some bodyweight work.
Interval Weight Training today is hang power clean + echo bike in part 1, followed by Dual KB deadlifts and C2 Biking in part 2. These sprints will get shorter and more intense as the workout goes on. Part 3 is a lower body durability circuit for hips and back.
Last strength session of this cycle is front squats sets of 5. Try to build on what we’ve done over the last month! Conditioning is a grindy complex of carries and rowing and step ups.