This Week At Altitude
Unilateral Strength work to start the week with single leg landmine RDLs and DB Arnold presses. The conditioning work is split to 2x 8 min sets of work with ball slams, rowing and then KB swings and push ups.
Our goblet squat + and bent row density day is here. 12 reps of each. Conditioning has lunges, core work and running. Sub running out for some biking if you’re feeling a little more banged up and keep the pace moderate. This cycle is all about packing in volume, not necessarily going faster than previous weeks.
Our Wednesday session is an important part of our program. Stay tuned for an article about supercomensation and our philosphy on weekly flow tomorrow. These are days to move, improve get some lower intensity work in, and do something complementary to the other days of the week that we want to push harder.
Interval weight training has alternating DB snatches and echo bike first, followed by landmine clean and press and bike erg. Part 3 will focus on the upper back again with similar movements to the last several weeks.
Final day of density strength training for this cycle is our deadlift/bench combo. Conditioning will be a grind of sled work, carries and rotational movements.