Wednesday 10-19-22
1) 12 minutes BikeErg @ 75%
@ 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 stop and complete
6x DB RDL + Reverse Lunge L + R (RDL + lunge/lunge = 1 rep)
2) 12 minutes Row @ 75%
@ 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 stop and complete
5x SA KB clean & Press + 25m SA OH carry R Arm
5x SA KB clean & Press + 25m SA OH carry L Arm
3) 12 minutes @ 75%
Run 300m
20/20 sec SL wall sit
5-10x Ab rollouts
8/8x Tall kneeling Landmine twists