This Week At Altitude
We’ll kick the new cycle off with single leg RDL’s and Incline Bench Press. Conditioning today is an 16 min EMOM format with rowing, pushup variations, farmers carries and reverse lunges.
We have IWT today, with MB slams and shuttle sprints, then DB snatch and Echo bike. Part 3 accessory work is core and upper back.
Stamina, per usual for our midweek hit of longer, steadier efforts on ergs mixed with isometrics and other simple movements to give us a more aerobic feel for the day.
Strength today is pull-up progressions and lateral sled drags, followed by conditioning with a increasing rep scheme of DB power cleans, plate half moons and rowing cals.
Last strength workout this week is landmine presses and heavy sled pushes. We’ll work in some mixed carries, landmine clean and presses, and lateral bear crawls to get some different types of movement in as we wrap up the first week of this cycle.