This Week At Altitude
Kicking off a new cycle of density strength today with a lot of EMOM format work. Today is front squats and gorilla rows. We’ll be focusing on maintaining weights and increases reps during the cycle. Conditioning has farmer carry, DB burpees, and rowing in a short amrap format.
IWT today is a short sprint effort of DB Power Clean and Echo Bike, followed by Deadlift and Run. Finisher is upper body accessory work.
Stamina for the week is our long effort of steady paced aerobic work on the bikes, rowers, and slidebaord mixed with some rotation and isometrics.
Strength round two is Push Press and Hang Power Cleans for 12 minutes, then into our conditioning which will be a simple set of rowing, push ups, and lunges.
The last day this week has a strength format of Lunges and Pull-ups Right into a Friday grinder of sleds, running, and core movements.