This Week At Altitude
Final week of this cycle - we are hitting seated strict press with eccentric tempo and tricep pushdowns, followed by 2x 9 minute splits of work with swings, bike, rotational core movements and sled drags.
Paused front squats sets of 3, going heavy for the last week of this! Conditioning work is a 20 minute EMOM with some single leg/arm movements.
Sticking with our midweek break of stamina - fitness is not always exciting, sometimes we need to put the work in and punch the clock to see results on the other end and make sure we can hit the workouts later in the week hard. The stamina workouts help us maintain conditioning while providing a day to workout but feel recovered enough to hit higher intensity later in the week.
Interval weight training has Deadlifts and sled push, into thrusters and run. Part 3 is rotational work.
Our final day of the cycle is split squats and paused pull ups! Tough combo but we continue to push the full body workouts into the conditioning with some DB burpees and rowing.