This Week At Altitude
Begin New Strength Cycle
Beginning a new cycle - we’ll start with some higher volume deadlifts with box jumps today for “complex training” and then right into conditioning with Devil’s press, ring plank, and rowing.
Strength day two has elevator strict press and paused pull ups - we’re adding some major difficulty to these two movements in a push/pull format. Then our conditioning effort is two AMRAP’s split up, one with echo bike and swings, one with lunges and bike erg.
Stamina breaks up the week as usual, with some aerobic work, isometrics and rotation.
Interval Weight Training has DB Hang power clean and sprint, plus KB thrusters and rowing. Part 3 is core and lower body accessory work.
Final workout this week includes pause front squats, then some landmine clean and press and sled pushes for conditioning.