This Week At Altitude
We kick off a new cycle with alternating DB Bench press and cross body RDL’s for your first superset. The conditioning work includes farmer carries, rowing, push ups, and KB swings in a short AMRAP format.
We work a landmine split squat with commando pull ups today for a fun variation of two of our regular lifts for strength, followed up with some running, med ball throws, and core work for conditoining.
Stamina as usual on Wednesday’s to get us breathing and locked into a steadier effort for extended time. Isometrics and anti rotational movements get mixed in.
Interval Weight Training has barbell jump squats and bike sprints first, followed by Power Cleans and rowing for part 2. Part 3 is a focus on movement and bending through our spine.
We hit our final strength workout here with Z-Presses and single arm rows, followed by some sled work and running in our conditioning.