This Week At Altitude
We begin a new strength cycle with an emphasis on our density format, or metabolic strength. Day 1 is a push/pull combo of T-bar rows and DB bench press., then a fun little KB swing, jump squat, row combo for conditioning.
Our second day of strength this week is a hinge dominant superset of deadlifts and feet elevated hip bridges. The conditioning work is a full body 16 minute EMOM.
We’ll stick with stamina today to break up the week of lifting. Today will have aerobic work with isometrics and rotational movement mixed in.
Interval weight training today is hang power cleans + sled pushes, then weighted walking lunges and sprints. Part 3 is some focused core work to wrap up the day.
Final day this week is front squats and pullovers for strength, followed by a long grinder AMRAP for 18 minutes with cossack squats, lateral sled drags, jump rope and more.